
Fanie Nel and Corine du Toit have known each other since the early nineties, growing up together in Bloemfontein, South Africa. They hit it off the minute they met due to their shared passion for the fashion world and photography. Fast forward 30 years, and both of them excel in their fields.

Fanie Nel is South Africa’s leading fashion photographer, internationally compared to the late Peter Lindbergh. He has ‘the eye’ to spot a new star a mile away. He has DISCOVERED many international fashion superstars, and his practiced eye is continually on the lookout for another new face to make waves in the global fashion industry.

Corine du Toit’s international model career cleared the path to her successful acting career for 20 years. And after moving back to Cape Town, her passion for the fashion world reignited. This is when Fanie and Corine, with more than 50 years combined experience, decided to join forces and ‘DISCOVERED by Fanie Nel’ was born.

DISCOVERED is a model management team focused on scouting, local and international placement, strategic development and training of new faces.

We view each of our models as an exciting success story in the making, and each and every one is individually managed and supported locally and abroad.

Fanie Nel en Corine du Toit ken mekaar al sedert die vroeë negentigerjare en het saam in Bloemfontein, Vrystaat, grootgeword. Hulle het dadelik aanklank by mekaar gevind vanweë beide se passie vir die modewêreld en fotografie. Dertig jaar later, en albei van hulle presteer in hul velde.

Fanie Nel is Suid-Afrika se befaamdste modefotograaf en word internasionaal vergelyk met wyle Peter Lindbergh. Hy’s bekend as ‘die oog’ wat 'n nuwe ster summier kan identifiseer en het menige internasionale mode-supersterre al ontdek. Sy geoefende oog is voortdurend op die uitkyk vir nog ’n nuwe gesig om opslae te maak in die globale modebedryf.

Corine du Toit se internasionale modelloopbaan is opgevolg deur ‘n suksesvolle televisie en film loopbaan van 20 jaar. Nadat sy teruggetrek het Kaap toe, het haar passie vir die modewêreld weer opgevlam. Dit is toe dat Fanie en Corine, met meer as 50 jaar gesamentlike ondervinding, besluit het om kragte saam te snoer en ‘DISCOVERED deur Fanie Nel’ is gebore.

DISCOVERED is ’n modelbestuurspan wat gefokus is op die soektog na nuwe gesigte, plaaslike en internasionale plasing, strategiese ontwikkeling en opleiding van nuwe modelle.

Ons beskou elkeen van ons modelle as ’n opwindende suksesverhaal in wording, en elkeen word plaaslik en in die buiteland individueel bestuur en ondersteun.

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